RECORD will provide a career development structure for young clinician scientists in the field of research and clinical care of rare disease patients. Patient oriented translational research and a training of appropriate clinical researchers to conduct such research has been a problematic area for years in rare disease medicine.
This program includes a binding curriculum for 12 months, didactic introduction in molecular mechanisms, translational techniques, good medical practice, study design, bioinformatics, biostatistics and other tools necessary for translational research.
The RECORD program welcomes medical doctors in the field of nephrology, pediatric nephrology, genetics, pathology, and psychosomatics to conduct a research project with protected research time of 6 months full time or 12 months 50 % for a total program duration of 12 months. Participants will be mentored by two different mentors or group leaders from the basic sciences in the respective disciplines, as well as one clinical mentor in the fields of pediatric or adult nephrology.
The scholars will be encouraged to actively participate in external congresses, network meetings, locally organized guest speaker seminars will have the opportunity for interdisciplinary clinical training and participation in internal retreats. RECORD will provide travel grants for exchange with the 2 other centers of rare kidney diseases at the University Hospital Hamburg Eppendorf and the University Hospital Cologne. Participants in the RECORD program will be chaperoned by the clinican scientist modules of the interdisciplinary center for clinical research (IZKF) Erlangen. Participants in Cologne will be chaperoned by the Cologne Clinician Scientist Program (CCSP), as well as by the iPRIME Dachgraduiertenschule and the Clinician Scientist Program of the Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University Hospital of Hamburg Eppendorf.
The young clinician scientists will be specifically encouraged to participate in all structured modules of the local clinician scientist programs, which all aim to introduce young clinicians into academic work.